We plant 100 trees for every casket we make.
We plant trees throughout Wisconsin in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. By aiding the DNR, we can be assured that we are planting the right trees in all the right places. This ensures that the results of our tree-planting efforts are long-lasting; that the trees we plant are safer from the perils of drought, disease, and development. There are two programs in the DNR through which we contribute and participate.
- Urban tree planting in cities and villages overseen by the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council
- Reforestation and wild life habitat preservation projects in state forests and state natural areas.
Urban Forestry Projects
Every Arbor Day funds provided by Northwoods Casket Co. go toward tree planting celebrations in communities around the state. The photos here are from Arbor Day Celebration 2013 at Washington Elementary School in Beaver Dam, WI.
City of Beaver Dam
Northwoods Casket Co. provides funds for the city tree nursery that raises trees from whips (the size of a pencil) to an age of 3-7 years when the tree can be transplanted in city street terraces, parks, municipal lots, or private residences.
Kettle Moraine State Forest Northern Unit
In April of 2012 we contributed to planting 15,000 white pine, oak, and cherry trees in the Kettle Moraine State Forest Northern Unit near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. These trees were planted for the purpose of wild life habitat restoration and reforestation.