Oak Classic


Oak Classic


Availability: In stock
Style: Raised panel with solid mount handles
Material: Wisconsin red oak
Color: Classic
Finish: Water-based stain and topcoat
Upholstery: Natural cotton
Interior (in): 76 3/8x 23 1/2 x 15
Exterior (in): 82 x 29 1/2 x 22

I Want One

Not Made In A Factory

And that, sir, is the point entirely.

This raised panel oak casket, like all of our caskets, is handcrafted in small batches of three to six at a time in a series of workshops.  The locally harvested sustainable red oak lumber is first hand-selected for the different components of the casket. Long straight grain boards are reserved for the lid while shorter pieces for the raised panel sides are cut from boards with minor inconsistencies.

The natural oil finish is applied in our finishing workshop by hand - burnished with cotton cloths to a gentle luster. Just like an English carpenter prepared furniture or cabinets circa 1600.

The upholstery shop is the final step. In this workshop all interior parts are carefully laid out, cut, and sewn by the skilled hands of our seamstress. One casket at a time is completed, inspected, and buffed one last time.

"A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist."   --Louis Nizer

Plant it Forward.

Pledge to use any of our caskets in your end-of-life plan and we'll plant 100 trees at our next annual planting. Your pledge costs nothing and takes 5 minutes so Pledge today.